Print Finishing for Printing Companies

Trusted by Area Printers for Over 30 Years

At Gracphcon, we are committed to providing printers’ with the same high quality product, professional service and on-time delivery they expect from their own in-house print-finishing departments. We’ve built our reputation through our three decades of

Equipped to Handle Any Job

print finisher in wny area

One of the many pieces of Heidelberg equipment we have in our shop.

Over the years we’ve amassed a number of pieces of equipment to handle nearly any size job. Large and small projects – either in physical dimension or in quantity – aren’t a problem as we have the right equipment to handle small specialty jobs or large volume work.

Our Equipment Includes:

  • multiple Heidelberg die cutters
  • several platen presses for embossing and foil stamping
  • a large scale folding machine

Additionally, we’ve developed many custom attachments for our equipment over the years, most notably on our folding machine. This allows us to handle complex folds with the assurance that we’ll deliver a high quality product every time.

Print Finishing Services

Whether you’re in need of a specialty service that you don’t offer in-house or need some help handling an overloaded schedule, Graphcon offers a number of services: